
Lead interface for scattering models

The only way to create leads is using the Model.attach_lead() method. The classes represented here are the final product of that process, listed in Model.leads.

class Lead(impl: _pybinding.Lead, index, lattice)

Describes a single lead connected to a Model

Leads can only be created using Model.attach_lead() and accessed using Model.leads.

calc_bands(start=-3.141592653589793, end=3.141592653589793, step=0.05)

Calculate the band structure of an infinite lead

start, end : float

Points in reciprocal space which form the path for the band calculation.

step : float

Calculation step length in reciprocal space units. Lower step values will return more detailed results.

plot(lead_length=6, **kwargs)

Plot the sites, hoppings and periodic boundaries of the lead

lead_length : int

Number of times to repeat the lead’s periodic boundaries.


Additional plot arguments as specified in structure_plot_properties().

plot_bands(start=-3.141592653589793, end=3.141592653589793, step=0.05, **kwargs)

Plot the band structure of an infinite lead

start, end : float

Points in reciprocal space which form the path for the band calculation.

step : float

Calculation step length in reciprocal space units. Lower step values will return more detailed results.


Forwarded to Bands.plot().

plot_contact(line_width=1.6, arrow_length=0.5, shade_width=0.3, shade_color='#d40a0c')

Plot the shape and direction of the lead contact region

line_width : float

Width of the line representing the lead contact.

arrow_length : float

Size of the direction arrow as a fraction of the contact line length.

shade_width : float

Width of the shaded area as a fraction of the arrow length.

shade_color : str

Color of the shaded area.


Unit cell Hamiltonian as csr_matrix


Hamiltonian which connects who unit cells, csr_matrix


Main system indices (1d array) to which this lead is connected


Structural information, see System